
Thursday, October 16, 1884 We now feel it our duty to oppose Captain J. C. Alldredge as a candidate of a mongrel organization in Moniteau county, for representative. It was our intention to let …

Thursday, October 9, 1884 If you have not got the money and want photographs, bring P.T. Ross some wood, corn, or something that he can eat, and get your pictures.   Thursday, October …

Thursday, October 2, 1884 The marriage of Mr. Will R. Hewey, of the mercantile firm of Bynon, Robertson & Hewey, to Miss Maggie Johnson Brent, the eldest daughter of Dr. J.W. and Mrs. Ella …

Thursday, September 25, 1884 The independent press of Missouri is disgusted with the military cry of “Union” and “Confederate” candidates. Give them a back seat. Ignore …

Thursday, September 18, 1884 In advocating the claims of C.C.D. Carlos for sheriff and collector, we do so from the fact that he is one of the old stand-by’s of this paper. His claims were …

Thursday, September 11, 1884 Last Friday night another very pleasant dancing party was given at the City Hall, and immensely enjoyed by all who participated. Other pressing duties prevented the …

Thursday, September 4, 1884 Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen of the city of Tipton as follows: Sec. 1. That from and after this date it shall not be lawful to erect any frame or …

Thursday, August 28, 1884 Posters have been issued by Sheriff Carlos, stating that the county court of Moniteau county will be adjourned from the first Monday in October. The cause of this …

Thursday, August 21, 1884 The Eldon News, a new, five-column paper just started at Eldon, in Miller county, comes to our office this week. It has a very neat appearance, is Republican in …

Thursday, August 14, 1884 Monday of last week the petition for saloon license in Tipton came before the county court at California, but was laid over for further action until Thursday. On that …

Thursday, August 7, 1884 The Boonville News comes to us this week showing evidences of a gradual improvement, step by step. It is now in its fourth year, having passed through untold trials, …

Thursday, July 31, 1884 The young lady of whom mention was made in the Times of the 17 th inst., as having left her home under peculiar circumstances, has been found among her friends in Morgan …

Thursday, July 24, 1884 The advertisement of a merchant’s business in his local paper not only shows abroad the enterprise of a town, but is the very best investment he can make. A paper …

Thursday, July 17, 1884 Last week our kind   neighbor across the way raised the name of Dr. J.P.H. Gray, of California, as its aspirant for legislative honors. While we have naught against …

Thursday, July 10, 1884 There will appear in the columns of this paper a list of the names signing the saloon license petition in this city next week. The ladies of the Women’s Christian …

Thursday, July 3, 1884 Tipton has at last succeeded in obtaining a public well of 250 feet in depth and a supply of good, pure water, exhaustless in volume. The next thing proposed is a wind …

Thursday, June 26, 1884 Now that the old stock yard nuisance is done away with, we have several valuable building locations in the business portion of our little city. The removal of the public …

The 42nd annual ice cream social will take place on the lawn of the historic Maclay Home on Thursday, the  4th of July.  Festivities begin at 10 a.m. with tours of the 17-room Home.  …

Thursday, June 19, 1884 The dedication of the Catholic Church at this place last Thursday, was the grandest and most imposing event that ever transpired in the city of Tipton. The ceremonies …

Thursday, June 12, 1884 The name of Moniteau Post-office, Moniteau, has been changed to Clarksburg. *** There are at present, seven periodicals published in this county; four weeklies …

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