Chamber supports 4-H Day of Service with donation


by Becky Holloway

Times’ editor

The Tipton Chamber of Commerce voted to contribute to the Moniteau County 4-H Day of Service to be held later this year following a presentation by local chapter member Raylyn Wilfong.

Wilfong spoke to the chamber during its Thursday, April 11 meeting at Bobbio’s Eatery. She said the day, the organization’s fourth annual, will be held Sept. 8 at Latham Memorial Park in California. 4-H has a budget goal of $2,000 in donations to advertise the day and present gift baskets to the speakers.

The day honors first responders across Moniteau County, including veterans, medical emergency responders, law enforcement and other public servants. Last year’s event spotlighted the service teachers provide in their communities.

“It has been a good leadership opportunity for the senior members of the clubs countywide,” said Elaine Anderson, youth development specialist for Moniteau/Morgan County 4-H.

The youth plan the day, secure speakers and carryout the public program.

The chamber voted to make a donation of $250 to the 2024 Day of Service.

Becky Holloway presented information on what The Tipton Times can provide the chamber with a public presence on the internet. In lieu of a dedicated website, the chamber agreed a tab on The Times’ site would suffice. All maintenance and posting updates would be done by Times’ staff. Chamber members agreed this sounded satisfactory and voted to add its information to the newspaper’s site.

In reports, updates were given on the March 23 hunt for 4,000 Easter eggs, the Candidates and Issues Forum on March 18, and the chamber insurance renewal in the amount of $512 through Insurance Associates. A date for the local Pitch, Hit, Run competition will be set, and applicants’ essays have been delivered to pick four winners of $500 chamber scholarships to Tipton High School seniors.

In new business, Patrick Wood will check the availability of current movies for the chamber’s Movie In the Park tentatively set for June 15.

Chamber President Dayley Elliott and Treasurer Calen Bestgen are reaching out to businesses in an effort to increase chamber membership. Some of those contacted will be former members who have not renewed their membership and potential businesses who have not joined.

Aaron Long suggested the group place some of its funds in an interest bearing account. Bestgen will explore the options and bring those to the May meeting.

Holloway reported the Tipton City Council approved the holding of Septemberfest again this year with the date being Saturday, Sept. 7. Wood said the committee is comprised of himself, Kelsie Baldus, Mandy Stover and Rodney Battles. He said activities, including a parade, are being added this year to promote the “festival feel.”

Options for a donkey game, such as donkey basketball or softball will be explored. 

The chamber’s next meeting will be Thursday, May 2, at a location to be determined.